Муфты электромонтажные от производителя Fucon
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Новости CEL

Производитель: "CEL"
Найдено: 3 Вывод: 1-3
  1. Компания California Eastern Laboratories (CEL) анонсировала новое семейство светодиодов, излучающих в дальней области ультрафиолетового (УФ) спектра, предназначенных для широкого спектра приложений стерилизации и дезинфекции, включая ...
    CEL announced a new family of Deep UltraViolet (UV-C) LEDs for a wide range of sterilization and disinfection applications including consumer goods such as self-disinfecting holders for toothbrushes and kitchen utensils as well as sterilizing wands ...
  2. THine Electronics announced launching a CDK, Camera Development Kit, which provides an innovative ease-of-design tool to advanced camera system developers. More advanced camera systems require specialized co-dependency of multiple components, ...
  1. CEL announces the production release and availability of its new MeshConnect EM357 High Temperature Mini Modules and MeshConnect EM357 USB Sticks, both powered by the premier ZigBee® PRO stack from Silicon Labs. These new products provide ...
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